Church Lift & Elevator Plans

Elevator & Lift Resources for Churches

Inside a church or other place of worship, there are a number of areas where accessibility is critical. While it may seem like a difficult task, providing access to those that are mobility impaired is not as complicated as it may sound and there are a number of options available for a church lift. There are several options available to provide accessibility in a church or other house of worship. Each provides its own advantages and disadvantages. Contact a local Symmetry church lift dealer to determine which solution is the most appropriate for your project.

Symmetry Accessibility Options for Churches

Symmetry’s vertical platform lifts are a great mobility product for churches from people who understand that multiple floors don’t have to be an obstacle.

The Symmetry Hybrid platform lift, looks and feels like an elevator, but operates like a lift and may be used in a church setting. 

Leading the industry in quality, style and design, LU/LA elevators by Symmetry are engineered and designed for use in schools and churches.

More on Elevators & Lifts for Churches

There are several options available to provide accessibility in a church or other house of worship. Each provides its own advantages and disadvantages.

The Limited Use, Limited Application elevator (LU/LA) is an elevator designed to provide access in low occupancy/low rise commercial buildings like churches.

In settings where a small commercial elevator is needed, like a church, a limited use/limited application (LU/LA) elevator may be a perfect fit. 

A Vertical Wheelchair Lift or Vertical Platform Lift (VPL) is an accessibility device which provides versatility for use in buildings such as churches.

You have taken the time to plan the best accessible route, and done your best to know the local building and accessibility codes, but have you reached out to the people with the most knowledge of accessibility in your local market; the installing distributor? 

When designing or altering a building with vertical barriers, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or the Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) is critical. 

Did you know that twenty-two years prior to the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the federal government was already making strides to increase accessibility in federally funded building projects? 

While sometimes blurred, ADA compliance and compliance with building code are not the same thing. When determining what access is required for your project, it is important to understand how they work together and what distinctions exist.