Symmetry Elevators Blog: Articles About Home Elevators & Lifts

Common Misconceptions on Home Elevators

In recent years, residential elevators have gained popularity as a way to provide ease of access to all levels in the home. With their increase in popularity, those interested in adding this amenity have found a number of discouraging anecdotes which are not founded in fact. The most common misconceptions surround cost, repairs and safety. Below, we want to set things straight.

1. Home elevators are More Affordable than You Think.

There is a misconception that home elevators are only for the extremely wealthy. This is simply not true. There are a number of customizations available to make a home elevator work for any budget. You can work with your home elevator company to modify the finish, style and even fixtures utilized to impact pricing. Learn more on budgeting for your home elevator here.

2. With Proper Maintenance, Elevator Repair Costs Can Be Minimized.

Another common misconception is that home elevators require constant, costly repairs. When properly installed and maintained, repairs are infrequent. When you begin your relationship with your local home elevator company, you will discuss the ongoing maintenance plan for your elevator. This plan will include regularly scheduled maintenance visits, with a typical frequency of every 6 months, to keep your elevator functioning properly for years to come.

3. Home Elevators are Safe.

The final misconception is that home elevators are not safe. An elevator is a very complex system, but when utilized appropriately and in accordance with the user’s manual, an elevator is not likely to cause harm.  Residential elevators are governed by the same code authority as commercial elevators, which has been in existence since 1921. The codes for conveying equipment are consistently reviewed and updated to protect users and ensure their safety. You can find a list of the important safety features for your in-home elevator here. Home elevators allow for ease of access to all levels and provide accessibility; whether for convenience, necessity or planning for the future. The addition of an elevator to an existing home, or to the plans for a new home, has increased in popularity due to the desire to age in place. Removing the obstacle that stairs present allows for long-term residence in the home you choose.

Is a Home Elevator Right for You?

Trying to determine if an elevator is right for you? The best place to start is by finding your local home elevator company. These professionals can work with you to answer any questions you have and to customize the best elevator for your individual situation.

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