Tips on Deciding When It’s Time for a Home Elevator

Symmetry Home Elevator Outside

How do you know when it’s time for a home elevator? Sometimes the choice is made for you, due to mobility problems that become more common as you age. Other times there is a financial motivation for installing home elevators, which can increase the value of your home. In other cases, there’s the desire to add a custom home elevator as a focal point for your home decor, or the luxury and convenience of easy travel between house levels.

The point is: there are many situations in which a home elevator becomes an appealing solution. When you get to the point when you’re considering factors such as house elevator size and what type of elevator to buy, the motivation to purchase a home elevator has already been established. Take a look at the examples below: if any of them strike a chord with you, it may be time for a home elevator.

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Aging in Place: Living out Your Years in Your Home

Symmetry Shafless Home Elevator Sliding Door Open Seat Down

Defined by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention as “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level,” aging in place has gained popularity in recent years. Many Americans plan to live independent lives in their homes for as long as they can, rather than relocating to smaller apartments or assisted living facilities.

Successfully aging in place requires homemakers to consider how to ensure their homes remain accessible. Mobility issues affect over two-thirds of people aged 65 and older, according to the United States’ Census Bureau. Difficulty walking and climbing stairs can impair your ability to live independently while increasing the risk of falling injuries.

Aging in place house plans may be as simple as rearranging furniture to eliminate tripping hazards or as involved as installing residential home elevators. In either case the goal is the same: to ensure you can age in place in a safe, comfortable environment.

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Features & Benefits of a Shaftless Home Elevator

Symmetry Shaftless Home Elevator

Peoria, IL (June 15, 2021): Symmetry Elevating Solutions, today, introduced the Symmetry Shaftless Elevator, a new offering in their home elevator product line. The Symmetry Shaftless Elevator is the most customizable, shaftless elevator on the market and offers homeowners a new option to aging in place.

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